
Maritime Injury Law Blog


Overboard Fisherman Missing off Washington Coast

It is with great sadness that we report the search for a missing fisherman near Grays Harbor, Washington has been suspended. Jason LaBrie, a 47-year-old from Oregon City, was reported overboard on Thursday, May 13th after crewmembers aboard the 26-foot F/V DEFIANCE II discovered he was missing. The crew was…


Three Rescued from Burning Vessel Near Port Angeles, WA

At approximately 6 p.m. on May 5th, watchstanders at U.S. Coast Guard Sector Puget Sound received a distress call reporting that a 48-foot vessel was on fire just off the shore of Port Angeles, WA. The three men aboard the vessel were unable to extinguish the flames. An Air Station…


Aviation Support Facility Opens in Cordova, Alaska

In anticipation of increased maritime activity during the summer fishing season, the U.S. Coast Guard Air Station Kodiak has opened the aviation support facility in Cordova, Alaska. An MH-60 Jayhawk helicopter, safety gear, and equipment were transferred to Cordova by Air Station Kodiak aircrews on Saturday, May 1st, 2021. These…


Maritime Slip and Fall Accidents

Each year fishermen, crewmembers, and deckhands are injured aboard fishing vessels due to slip and fall accidents. Many of these accidents occur on decks, ladders, and stairs, and most happen due to: poorly maintained equipment equipment that is out of compliance wet or slick surfaces from fish slime, grease, ice,…


Port Angeles Man Dies in Diving Accident

It is with great sadness that we report the death of a commercial diver who was working in the waters of Port Angeles. According to a statement issued by the Clallam County Sheriff’s Office, Anthony Gockerell, 35, died after his air cable apparently became entangled. Peninsula Communications received the call…


Crewmember Medevaced from F/V American Triumph

The U.S. Coast Guard medevaced a woman from the F/V AMERICAN TRIUMPH on February 27th, 2021 after it was reported that she was suffering from symptoms consistent with an allergic reaction. Watchstanders at the 17th District command center in Juneau received the call from Health Force Partners on behalf of…


Crewmember Suffers Crushed Arm Aboard F/V Alaska Ocean

A 45-year old crewmember was medevaced on Sunday, February 21st after sustaining a crush injury to his arm. District 17 Watchstanders in Juneau, Alaska received the request for assistance from HealthForce Partners on behalf of the F/V ALASKA OCEAN. A medevac was required for the injured fisherman. A U.S. Coast…


Two Perish After F/V Coastal Reign Capsizes

It is with great sadness that we report the death of two Oregon fishermen after the 38-foot F/V COASTAL REIGN capsized on Garibaldi Bar. The incident occurred near the mouth of Tillamook Bay on Saturday, February 20th. According to U.S. Coast Guard Petty Officer Steve Strohmaier, Coast Guard personnel had…

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