
Maritime Injury Law Blog


Quarantined North Pacific Seafoods Workers Awarded Settlement

North Pacific Seafoods workers have been awarded a $440,000 settlement after being held for quarantine without pay in a Los Angeles hotel. Stacey and Jacobsen, PLLC first reported the details of this case on July 7th. Each of the 165 workers who were quarantined is most likely eligible to collect…


85 F/V American Triumph Workers Test Positive For COVID-19

The F/V AMERICAN TRIUMPH remains docked after Eighty-five crew members have tested positive for COVID-19. The factory trawler left Oregon headed for Alaska on June 27th carrying 119 workers. It was reported that two weeks after the ship departed, seven workers reported feeling ill and were tested for COVID-19 in…


F/V McKenzie Rose Fisherman Sustains Head Injury

A 26-year-old man was medically evacuated from the F/V MCKENZIE ROSE after the crewmember sustained a head injury. The vessel was located about 100 miles west of Coos Bay when the injury occurred. Watchstanders at Coast Guard Sector North Bend received a marine radio call from the vessel’s captain reporting…


Lawsuit Brought Against North Pacific Seafoods

A lawsuit has been filed against North Pacific Seafoods after approximately 150 seasonal cannery workers were forced to quarantine without pay in a Los Angeles hotel. According to the complaint, all workers arrived at a hotel and were instructed to wait together in a crowded hallway to fill out paperwork.…


COVID-19 Safety Protocols Differ from State to State

Approximately 110 crewmembers from three American Seafoods ships have been diagnosed with COVID-19. The F/V NORTHERN JAEGER is docked at the Seattle cruise ship terminal while sick crew members recover. Others are in quarantine after exposure, many in Seattle area hotels. As of today, the F/V AMERICAN TRIUMPH, and F/V…


Scandies Rose Case Developments

STACEY & JACOBSEN, PLLC represents the two survivors in the SCANDIES ROSE sinking. The vessel owner (Scandies Rose Fishing Co., LLC) and the vessel manager (Mattsen Management LLC) have filed a Petition for Limitation of Liability in Federal Court Seattle. The vessel owner and manager initiated legal action arguing that…


Limitation of Liability in Maritime Law

When fishermen or crewmembers are injured or perish in accidents at sea—due to negligence or carelessness by the vessel’s owner, another crewmember, captain, or skipper—Jones Act Law requires that the injured party be compensated. But what happens when vessel owners work to find ways around paying out what wrongfully-injured workers…

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