Vessel stability refers to the ability of a vessel to return to its upright position after being heeled over by wind, waves, or other forces. If a vessel is not stable, it is susceptible to capsizing. Each vessel is unique and therefore needs its own stability report prepared by a…
Maritime Injury Law Blog
Marking and Identifying Fishing Vessels
It is estimated that IUU (Illegal, unreported and unregulated) fishing vessels harvest more than $23.5 billion worth of seafood from the world’s oceans each year. That translates roughly into 26 million tons of seafood and reveals that one in every five wild-caught fish is harvested unlawfully. Over 70 percent…
October is National Seafood Month
When we consider autumnal foods and beverages, we often think about Pumpkin Spice lattes, and who doesn’t love a tiny Halloween Snickers bar? But there is another type of food we should all be celebrating: Seafood! October is National Seafood Month, which means paying homage to one of our nation’s…
Two Rescued After F/V Fearless II Drifts into Rocks
Two people were rescued by the U.S. Coast Guard on Sunday, September 22nd after the 54-foot fishing vessel they were navigating became disabled after striking a submerged object. The F/V FEARLESS II subsequently drifted into the rocks near the Coos River entrance. Watchstanders at Sector North Bend received the distress…
7 Rescued in Fishing Vessel Fire
The U.S. Coast Guard rescued six fishermen and one NOAA fisheries observer on Tuesday, September 17th after the F/V MISS EMMA caught fire approximately 8 miles south of Ko’Olina, Hawaii. A VHF mayday call was received at about 4:29 p.m. from the vessel crew, who were aggressively fighting the fire.…
Capsized M/V Golden Ray Crew Rescued
It is with great pleasure that we report the safe rescue of the final four crew members who were trapped in a cargo ship after it capsized near Cornel’s Island Terminal in Brunswick, GA. At about 2 a.m. on September 8th, Coast Guard Sector Charleston watchstanders were notified that the…
25 Victims Found, 9 People Missing After Diving Vessel Fire
At approximately 3:30 a.m. on Monday, Coast Guard Sector Los Angeles-Long Beach watchstanders overheard a mayday call on channel 16 that a 75-foot commercial diving vessel carrying 39 people was engulfed in flames. Watchstanders launched two Coast Guard Station Channel Islands Harbor 45-foot Response Boat-Medium crews, a Coast Guard Air…
Fisherman Suffers Lacerated Arm Aboard the F/V Lake Bay
A 58-year-old fisherman working aboard the F/V LAKE BAY was medevaced on Monday after suffering a large laceration to his arm. Sector Juneau command center received a call from the vessel’s master that a crewmember had been injured and needed assistance. Sector Juneau issued an urgent marine information broadcast and…
1 Dead, 3 Rescued After Boat Crashes into Cooke Salmon Net Pen in Port Angeles, Washington
An Everett man is dead and three others were injured after a 20-foot boat they were operating crashed into an unlit pen net in Port Angeles, Washington on the evening of July 30, 2019. Two adults and one 14-year-old boy from Snohomish County were also in the boat, but survived…
Northwind Captain Suffers Hand Injury
Watchstanders at U. S. Coast Guard Sector Juneau received a report on July 21st at approximately 10:20 a.m that the captain of the processing vessel NORTHWIND had sustained a serious hand injury, possibly severing several fingers. The vessel was located just northeast of Biorka Island at the time of the…