Sean O’Callahan, 29, was found deceased in his bunk aboard the F/V ALASKA DREAM as it headed out to fishing grounds off of Kodiak Island on February 28, 2015. The boat turned around when O’Callahan’s body was found, and Alaska State Troopers were notified of his death. Although nothing has…
Maritime Injury Law Blog
F/V ALASKA PRIDE Floods Near Kodiak, AK
Crew on the 35-foot F/V ALASKA PRIDE radioed the Coast Guard at 4:30 am on March 12, 2015 after the boat began taking on water in Izhut Bay near Kodiak, Alaska. The boat’s pumps were not able to keep up with the flooding caused by a possible puncture in the…
Coast Guard Safety Alerts 1996-2014 – Valuable Vessel Safety Information
The cover photo of Coast Guard Safety Alerts 1996-2014 is chilling: A large ship is awash in ocean water and is about to sink. The report is a compilation of safety alerts on a myriad of maritime safety issues such as “Attention on Deck! Commercial Fishing Vessels,” “Unprepared Safety Equipment,”…
Washington Oregon Dungeness Crab Prices Jumped to $9 Per Pound
Commercial Dungeness crab fishermen on the Washington and Oregon Coast earned $3.10/pound at the beginning of the season in December 2014. By Christmas they received $4.50/pound, and by the middle of February 2015, prices jumped to $9/pound. Why the nearly three times price increase? One reason is this year’s harvest…
RIP Leonard Nimoy – on a Ship Nonetheless
“I realize it was a fake spaceship, but dangit it was a ship nonetheless and Mr. Spock served on it. Here’s to one of the great humans of our time.” Rob Almeida Rob Almeida is Partner and Chief Marketing Officer at gCaptain Maritime & Offshore News –
Four Fishermen Rescued After F/V SAVANNAH RAY Ran Aground near Kodiak, AK
In the early morning of February 16, the Alaska Coast Guard received a 406 Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon (EPIRB) alert from the 81-foot Fish Tender SAVANNAH RAY. Coast Guard watchstanders made callouts asking if the vessel needed assistance and received a broken MAYDAY from the crew. The vessel had…
Fisherman Medevaced from Factory Trawler AMERICAN TRIUMPH off Cold Bay, Alaska due to Severed Fingers Injury
Crew from the 285′ Factory Trawler AMERICAN TRIUMPH called the Coast Guard on February 12 to report that a 36-year old man had two of his fingers severed by a steel door. A Coast Guard Jayhawk helicopter crew in Cold Bay flew approximately 92 miles north to the trawler, safely…
Small Fishing Boat Capsizes near Port Orford, Oregon: One Dead, Two Survive
A couple beachcombing near Paradise Point in Port Orford, Oregon saw a small recreational fishing boat caught between large ocean swells and crashing surf on Sunday, January 25. Suddenly the 24′ boat flipped over, dumping the three passengers into the water. Michael Fowler, 38, and Ariana Hall, 19, who was…
Pilot Presumed Dead in Plane Crash near Seabeck, Washington in Hood Canal
At 1 pm on January 26, 2015, the Puget Sound Coast Guard received a phone call from the Kitsap County 911 operator stating that a small red and white plane had crashed in the waters of the Hood Canal. The Coast Guard launched two helicopter crews, a 45′ response boat…
Crew Rescued as F/V EYAK Sinks Near Sitka, Alaska
A crewmember on board the 80-foot tender F/V EYAK called the Juneau Coast Guard at 5:45 am on January 19, 2015 to report they had grounded and the boat was taking on water. The tender was located near Calligan Island, about 16 miles south of Sitka Harbor. The Coast Guard…