
Maritime Injury Law Blog


Obama Administration Enacts Restrictions on Fishing to Reverse Decline of Aleutian Sea Lion

Federal regulators proposed new commercial fishing restrictions in the Aleutian Islands last month in an attempt to aid the declining population of the Steller sea lion. The federal Marine Fisheries Service plans to close all commercial fishing for Atka mackerel and Pacific cod around Attu, the farthest island in the…


Coast Guard Responds to Barge Sinking on the North Slope, Alaska

Coast Guard personnel responded to calls that a barge had grounded and partially submerged in nine feet of water while traveling across the Beaufort Sea. The barge was reportedly carrying more than 1,200 gallons of fuel. Initially, there were reports of sheen from the vessel, but the crew secured all…


Punitive Damages Allowed For Unseaworthiness In U.S. District Court For Hawaii

A claim for punitive damages made by a commercial diver based upon the legal theory of unseaworthiness has withstood legal challenge in the United States District Court for Hawaii. The Court found as a matter of law that punitive damages may be sought in cases involving unseaworthiness. The Court based…


Punitive Damages Claims Permissible for Unseaworthiness and Jones Act negligence in Washington State Superior Court for King County

Superior Court Judge Richard Eddie has held that a seaman’s wrongful death claim involving claims for punitive damages for unseaworthiness and Jones Act negligence will proceed to trial on the merits. The vessel owner and employer’s motion to dismiss the seaman’s claim for punitive damages was rejected. Following the Supreme…

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