
Maritime Injury Law Blog


One Crewman Lost in Sinking of NORTHERN BELLE – Three Survive Alaska Fishing Boat Sinking

The NORTHERN BELLE crew issued a Mayday call to the Coast Guard at 5:30 p.m. yesterday indicating they were was in trouble and needed help. The crew dawned survival suits but were unable to get into the vessel’s life raft. The Coast Guard arrived on the scene at approximately 8:00…


Fishing Vessel Aground Near Huntington Beach, California

The PACIFIC BULLY, a 58-foot fishing vessel, has reportedly gone aground near Huntington Beach, California. The four crewmen aboard the vessel are all reported safe. A salvage contractor has been hired to remove the wreck and prevent the threat of pollution. The cause of the accident is currently unknown and…


Dutch Harbor Seafood Company Agrees To Pay EPA $500,000 Fine

Westward Seafoods Inc., a Dutch Harbor seafood processing plant has agreed to pay a $570,000 civil penalty to resolve alleged violations of the Clean Air Act occurring between 2002 and 2006. The EPA complaint against Westward Seafoods alleged improper use and reporting regarding the burning of 1.3 million gallons of…


Commercial Chinook Salmon Season To Open Off Washington and Oregon Coast

Thursday the Pacific Fisheries Management Council adopted a commercial 2010 Chinook salmon seasons for the Washington and Oregon Coasts. Under the proposal, commercial fishermen will be able to harvest 56,000 Chinook salmon north of Cape Falcon and 13,000 marked hatchery Coho. Recreational fishermen will also share in the openings which…

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