On Friday, November 23, 2007 the Canadian cruise ship “M/S Explorer” began taking on water after hitting submerged ice off of Antarctica’s South Shetland Islands. 154 tourists and crew abandoned ship into lifeboats, and were later picked up by the Norwegian liner Nordnorge, that took them safely to a Chilean…
Maritime Injury Law Blog
On October 21, 2007 off of Coney Island, New York a 24-foot fishing boat collided with a barge. Two men were killed and two were injured when the fishing boat overturned. Police divers pulled one of the survivors from under the boat and the other was rescued by a passing…
Icicle Seafoods Being Acquired by New York Equity Firm
Icicle Seafoods is being acquired by Fox Paine Management III LLC. On August 5 a news release stated the deal was expected to close within 90 days. Icicle believes that this acquisition will help them to fulfill their vision of growing operations in new markets, and building up their existing…
Injured Fisherman Airlifted to Oregon Hospital
A fisherman had to be airlifted after being injured aboard the fishing vessel Muir Milach near Ilwaco, WA on June 29. A helicopter from Coast Guard Station Astoria and a lifeboat crew from Station Cape Disappointment were dispatched to assist the man, who was later transported to a hospital in…
Collision in Chatham Strait Under Investigation by Coast Guard
The Spirit of Yorktown, a 257-foot cruise vessel, crashed into a much smaller fishing vessel, the Adirondack, on June 25 in Chatham Strait in southeast Alaska. This is the Spirit of Yorktown’s second mishap in two years, the first occurring when the boat ran aground in Washington State last year.…
19 Fisherman Rescued, 20 Still Missing After Boat Capsizes
April 26, 2007: SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico Only 19 of 39 fishermen have been rescued after the capsizing of their vessel, 20 nautical miles north of Monti Cristi, Dominican Republic. On Tuesday, April 24th, a Good Samaritan vessel rescued two fishermen from the water. The fishermen reported that their vessel,…
Medevac of Injured Fisherman
April 23, 2007: KODIAK, Ak A 39-year-old fisherman was evacuated from the Seattle-based fishing vessel “Cape Kawana” after a report that he was injured and needed medical attention. The vessel was 60 miles south of Kodiak Island when the Coast Guard hoisted the injured man from the deck. He was…
13 Rescued from Life Raft after Vessel Capsizes
April 25, 2007: JUNEAU, Alaska The Coast Guard Auxiliary rescued 13 people from a life raft after the 38-foot charter vessel Halibut Endeavor capsized near Homer. The Homer Police Department received a call from one of the passengers, stating that the vessel was taking on water. The Coast Guard was…
Three Rescued After Grounding of Vessel
April 26, 2007: JUNEAU, Alaska A Coast Guard helicopter from Sitka rescued three people from the trawling vessel “Sea Bear“, after it ran aground in the Klag Bay area. The three were transported to Sitka after being located on a nearby shore with their skiff. Source: U.S. Coast Guard
3/31/07: The 719-foot excursion vessel, River Explorer, was struck by a barge, the Nevin, that broke loose from a five-barge tow set-up. The River Explorer was on its way downstream toward New Orleans and the Nevin was traveling upstream toward Baton Rouge when the incident occurred. The collision resulted in…