NPFVOA Vessel Safety Program offering Seminar on Update on Ebola and the Maritime Industry, December 12, 2014
The North Pacific Fishing Vessel Owners’ Association (NPFVOA) Vessel Safety Program is offering a seminar called Update on Ebola and the Maritime Industry on Friday, December 12, 9:00 am – 11:30 am. The seminar will benefit small boat owners responsible for crewing vessels and managing medical situations, purser/medics, safety professionals, operations personnel, human resource personnel, and risk managers.
Dr. Raymond Jarris, the presenter, is President and Chief Medical Officer for MD Solutions International. He is an experienced physician with over 30 years experience in emergency, occupational and family medicine settings. Dr. Jarris is currently Medical Director of the Swedish Medical Center/Ballard Emergency Department and BLS Medical Director for AMR Ambulance in King County.
Dr. Raymond Jarris and other speakers will present on the following topics: